Monday, April 26, 2010


Throughout my life, I've always thrived on encouraging and inspiring others, and I've always naturally taken on the "mentor" role. I've had a knack for seeing the best in people and recognizing their talents and their strengths.

An example of this was when I was a financial representative at Northwestern Mutual from 2007-2008. I met multiple people everyday, and ended up creating long-term relationships with these clients. In order for them to be open about their finances, they had to feel comfortable around me and more importantly, they had to trust me. Half of my time was spent just talking to the client and getting to know them.
One day, I met with a client for lunch at Panera. He talked all about his current situation at work, and mentioned that he was looking for something new. The more we talked, the more I realized that he was a great fit for the company I worked for, Northwestern Mutual. I mentioned it to my boss and he went in for an interview the next week. He ended up getting the job and he became one of the top sellers within the company in less than a couple months!

As a result of my strengths of being a developer, I've allowed people to recognize their potential and channel their talents to the best of their abilities.

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