Monday, May 10, 2010

My Leaders

Being a leader to me doesn't just mean being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or the Federal Reserve Chairman or even the mayor of New York. Being a leader, to me, simply means standing up for your values and what you believe in. Growing up, my leaders were the kids that stood up to the bullies on the school bus, the kids that sat with those who had no one to sit with in the cafeteria at lunch time, and the teachers that made an effort to know each and every one of their students personally. As an adult, the leaders in my life are the loyal friends that stand up for me, my peers that fight hard for their grades, and my employers and professors that are trying to feed me as much knowledge as possible. I value and look up to these everyday people, who are the leaders that make a difference in my life. I am grateful for them, for they are the ones that inspire me to be a leader as well.

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